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Old 08-16-2023, 09:07 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
In every major waterfront state I am aware of you are required to register a USCG documented boat with the state. You are also prohibited from displayed state reg "bow" numbers on a documented boat. Essentially, it is an either/or approach to how you register and title the vessel. The state really only cares about getting their taxes, so as long as you're displaying your appropriately colored registration sticker for the state I can't imagine any state agency caring about the bow numbers.

There would be no real benefit to having a documented boat on an inland lake that has no USCG presence. Would just add more annual registration hassle to renew the USCG docs, granted minor hassle, but still.
NH is not a title state, so being documented is the equivalent of a title. Small boats are not eligible to be documented, but for larger boats (5 net tons or greater) that may move from state to state, or to other countries, documentation is an advantage at time of sale, or for those who boat in NH in the summer and go south in the winter. If your boat is 5 net tons or less, this discusssion probably does not apply.
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