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Old 07-23-2023, 03:56 PM   #41
John Mercier
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Because none of them ever look at the history of posting and the outcomes.

The farmer on the Rockingham Recreational trail, that decided ''Private Property'' as enough. But now has a felony on his record.

Even more recent and local, Ward Bird that was sure he was innocent... until he was prosecute, found guilty by 12 residents, and sentenced with a felony.
If it wasn't for a ''liberal'' Governor; he would have sat in prison for years.

They don't even consider the recent attempt to lower the standards for legal posting... that has the support of private property owners everywhere.

Heck, if no one question the posting of my woodlot, I would have never known that my neighbor took it upon himself to make that decision without any authority whatsoever.

Legal posting as prescribed tends to end the question.
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