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Old 05-11-2023, 07:04 PM   #341
Sue Doe-Nym
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Default Well said, winni83

Originally Posted by winni83 View Post
Fastfury is 100% correct. The worst managed meeting I have ever seen, or more accurately, a non meeting, since it never started. After waiting for 35 minutes for the meeting to start (promptly at 6:00 per the Town Moderator), it did not take place and will have to be re-noticed and rescheduled. So a Town which cannot plan for and manage a meeting is going to run a monstrosity of a Community Center? I have it on good authority that a person in Town who knows what is going on went to the Town a week or so ago and told them that the turnout would be huge and to make contingency plans for overflow space in the gym and cafeteria, with remote screens, mikes, ballot boxes and assistant moderators. I am told that the Town dismissed her recommendations with a laugh. The Town did remote meeting rooms during Covid and while there were a few minor problems, that process worked. If this disaster of an attempted meeting did nothing but show the need for the Town to adopt the provisions of SB2, then the wasted evening was worth it.

The Town Moderator, Paul Punturieri, should resign his office since he is clearly responsible for much of this debacle this evening.
The whole fiasco was a disgrace, and we are wondering how they will manage the rerun, given the fact that town management skills are lacking. I am hoping that
HUB fails and that the voters see the need for SB2 this time around.
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