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Old 12-14-2022, 08:12 AM   #28
Dave R
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
People will really get steamed if they extend the NWZ... as it is now it can take over 1/2 hour to navigate the 1.5 mile channel on a normal saturday.

I'm sure. It's a shame they changed the NH headway speed definition from 6 MPH to as slow as you can possibly go. A 5 MPH speed limit would be ideal in there, IMO. Slow enough to keep wakes tiny, but fast enough to maintain decent control and traffic flow. 3MPH (30 minutes for 1.5 miles) is too slow for most boats and it's mentally exhausting to maintain a course at that speed.

We often take a ride on the Annisquam River/Blynman Canal, which is not far (by water, it's a long car ride) from Hampton Beach where we keep our boat. It's a NWZ, for the most part, but people tend to cruise at 6 to 7 MPH so it's easy to maintain control. There are definitely wakes present, but they are not terrible. It's about 4 miles from the start to the end of the NWZ, and there's a drawbridge we typically have to wait for, so it can take an hour to get through, but like the Weirs channel, there's a lot to look at so it's interesting and fun. The NWZ does not seem to extend to the Blynman Bridge (or it's completely ignored). People really rip it up through that bridge opening. There are youtube videos of this that make Weirs channel look like utter tranquility.
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