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Old 10-22-2021, 03:26 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
COVID is 10x worse than the flu.

What they also don’t track is how many people that have survived COVID and what their post COVID quality of life is. I know a few people that got it and none of them recovered like the flu.
10x worse even after taking substantial steps to reduce its impacts. What would that 700k+ body count be if we never masked/quarantined/shut down/vaccinated?

Your second point is important, too: the message has been death, but I've had a lot of students—read: young people who "aren't affected"—who have struggled for weeks with lethargy, advanced cold symptoms, eating/smelling/tasting issues, etc.

While I am at the point where I think we need to move forward—we know how to personally minimize our risks while also having widespread vaccination access—it's silly to minimize the virus and its impacts.

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