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Old 07-18-2021, 03:31 PM   #35
John Mercier
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If you go down Rines Road, their is a pit just before the bridge.
That pit was a parking area with trails behind it. Since you would not be 300 feet at a minimum from the parking area or the trails behind it... it would be illegal to recreational shoot there.

After you cross the bridge, you leave Alton and enter New Durham, that is a Class VI road running the length to another town. There is a pit/parking area to the right... it is also illegal due to a mixture of being a parking area and recreational trails behind it.

If you continue down the Class VI road, there is a private road to the right... that is also a trail and leads to another parking area off from Hayes Road enterance... also per the statute illegal.

Randy's trail runs all around that area... and there is no pit not within the 300 feet restriction.

The Alton Selectboard actually had an on record discussion with me, because they were under the impression that NDATV was promoting the shooting. We simply were not policing it... because it was not our responsibility to do so.
We did try to manage it to keep trash down, and improve safety... but we did not have the legal standing to promote violation of a state statute.

There concern would only be the section before the bridge, with New Durham being after the bridge.
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