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Old 04-13-2021, 08:47 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by CooperS7777 View Post
The EPA and the FTC govern octane ratings using the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, and it is in fact illegal to sell fuel which does not match the advertised characteristics (both octane ratings and additives).

At the state level, under the Department of Agriculture, the Weights and Measures Division certifies and enforces that the pumps are providing consumers with a quantity of fuel that matches the quantity they are being charged for. Again, another area where it is illegal for filling stations to charge for a quantity other than what is being delivered.

I am certain both happen on occasion but truly believe those instances are the exception to the rule. Furthermore, when it does happen Id venture a guess that it is most often NOT due to malicious intention on the filling stations part. The legal repercussions far outweigh any short term monetary gain, and the damage of reputation to both the filling station and supplier has the potential to cause substantial long term loss.
Yes, it is illegal to sell fuel that does not match the advertised octane. You would have a cause of action against anyone or any company that misrepresented what they were selling you regardless of what the product or service was.

I am not aware of any city or town that performs octane rating testing. If you know of one it would be interesting information. I have never heard of a consumer that took a sample to a lab to have it tested but I am sure it could happen. How easy would it be for a marina to tell you that you were getting mid grade when it was actually regular? Who would know, except the more profitable marina?

I am very aware of a gas station that changed the pumps every night so that you got 9/10 of a gallon for every gallon the pump registered. It was a 24 hour station and during the day the correct volume settings were used. The reason the correct settings were used during the day was because the city employees only worked during the day. That included the Sealer of weights and Measures. That went on for many years.

The point is: Don't go through life with your eyes closed. If someone has an opportunity to put their hand in your pocket, they probably will!
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