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Old 01-07-2021, 11:36 AM   #70
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A couple of simple options to start retirement savings-that $300/month in one of the examples above.
1. Buy used cars and pay cash. My college roommate had an old Buick that burned a lot of oil (400,000 miles) so he got used oil for free every time he filled up. If you don't drive a POS for a year in your younger days you're missing a lot of good stories. You're also buying comprehensive and collision insurance coverage that you don't need. Cars can be unnecessarily expensive. He was also investing in stocks in those days.
2. Join the military. Long list of options here. Trade training, ROTC, GI Bill. After active duty, I stayed in the reserves for. One weekend a month was worth a few hundred dollars, plus pay for summer cruise, and you could buy stuff cheap at the base exchange/commissary. A drill was 4 hours, so it was often possible to go in for an afternoon or evening to do extra planning or evaluation of previous events. Stick it out (with your buddies) for 20 years and get a pension.
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