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Old 08-05-2020, 12:56 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Bigstan View Post
Sell now. Who knows when the market in M-Boro will be like this ever again. What was 700k years ago is probably double in todays market. Look at what's selling there for > 1m, it's nuts.

$ aside - 3 siblings should NEVER share ownership of a high dollar value asset.
Even if protected in a trust (which it would have to be unless you're insane) you will end up in a bad situation. It ends that way far more often than that (just read the responses above).

Noone wants to give up the childhood home, but strange how much more it suddenly means when you know if might be sold.....
I agree, as my wise old uncle use to say, "partners are for dancing". I owned one piece of property with a partner and it was a disaster even though he was a great guy I never did it again.
If there are multiple siblings involved it's better to sell and each do their own thing.
I've never been the sentimental type so for me real estate is an investment. I have no problem moving on from one to another. I even enjoy the hunt and enjoy making a new property my own.
I try not to invest more into a place than I would ever get back. That way if I find another place I like better I have no problem selling and moving on.
Of course my wife is much more sentimental and has a harder time with moving on so this keeps me a little more grounded.
As long as I still have my mind I still have my memories no matter what home I'm in.
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