Thread: 101.5 weei
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Old 07-03-2020, 09:36 AM   #12
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small towns really are missing something without local radio, but it's too hard to make it pay I guess. Forget how long it's been but it was a big shock when WLNH disappeared. Summer is not the same with out the remote broadcasts and local goings on and the goofy local ads.

I tried XM for a while but it is too split up for me. 60s, 70s,80s, Jimmy Buffet Channel, Rolling Stones Channel, etc. I could not find one place to leave it alone and who has the time to make a play list? What are we 16 and taping songs off the radio on to a cassette?

Personally I have almost zero interest in sports but I do find radio baseball to be sort of relaxing. Maybe it's just a sound of summer but you don't need to pay much attention to it as background noise.

When I am out walking or raking now I have an ipod with old time radio detective shows or audio books.
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