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Old 06-12-2019, 10:52 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by joey2665 View Post
That to me is a little harsh. Downtown has come a long way in the past 5 years but still has a long way to go. I do think the Colonial will attract visitors to the area and patrons but my concern is it generating enough to pay back the loans in a timely manner. Money can be spent more wisely on other revitalization downtown not just one theatre
It is harsh, but the reality is that Laconia is not attracting young families with upsides. It is attracting low-income Section 8 inhabitants and people who have gone through drug treatment. Sometimes the truth is difficult to accept. I work in Kendall Square and go to the Seaport quite often. I don't see a lot of Section 8 housing or rehab centers! In fact quite the opposite. I see a vision of providing an environment to attract the talent being generated by the local colleges to stay in Boston.

I've stated this before, but I feel safer in Boston than I do walking around downtown Laconia. On Monday, on my way to work, I went to CVS on Union Ave/Church Street to purchase a Father's Day card for my dad. As if on cue, two dirt bags riding BMX bikes are hanging around at the entrance, waiting for who knows what. They were obviously living out of the backpacks. They were obviously drug users. I'm sick of it.

Find ways to attract people the right people, and then we can have a discussion on the types of investments that should be made.
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