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Old 12-08-2017, 10:38 AM   #52
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Default Obamacare

The reason why we are blaming the other guy is that at the time Obamacare was enacted, half the country did not want it. Health care, at that time, while not perfect, worked for most Americans. If the issue was 10-15 million Americans who "could not afford" healthcare, some of us would have been willing to create another welfare program to address this "issue," rather than destroy a system that worked for most people. It became a political issue rather than a policy issue.

Regarding drug companies, I work in Kendall Square, where there is even more development than on 128. Our firm represents a lot of start up pharma companies. Be careful what you wish for. I don't fault drug companies one bit for profiting on the investments they make. These companies hire the world's brightest people to solve the most difficult of medical issues. (The reason why most of these companies have a huge presence in Kendall Square is that they want to be close to the talent.) For every drug that makes it, thousands of drugs don't, representing billions upon billions of dollars lost. If you would prefer lower costs for existing drugs, then you can expect a serious reduction in R&D.
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