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Old 12-08-2017, 09:10 AM   #50
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What I find frustrating is how easy it is to simply blame the other guy, or other party. Since the ACA was put into place the Republicans have campaigned relentlessly on how their plans and ideas will be so much better - more people covered, more choice, and lower costs. So what happened? It's clear there was no plan, just 7 years of talk, blame, and empty promises...

What's the solution? Start with this question - why are health care costs so much higher in the USA than the rest of the developed world? And, why is overall coverage lower? It's importantly to recognize that these are truths, not fake news.

Once people are willing to address the issue at hand and not simply blame the other guy or lament about the "good old days", we might find some answers. Given the state of affairs in Washington and the polarizing nature of the issue itself, I don't have lots of hope. IMHO there simply are far too few leaders (are there any?!) in our political system. Instead we have all kinds of blowhards, equally dispersed across the aisle.

Clearly I don't have the answer either!
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