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Old 07-05-2017, 06:37 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by weirsdiner2017 View Post
Seems to me like you people just have nothing nice to say about anything as the owner of the restaurant I sincerely apologize for any mishaps this is our first Adventure in a place that's this crazy all summer long as you can see we are trying with the new improvements or sorry that the inside of the building isn't up to your party yet but next year is another year and we will continue to make it better as the years go by I'm sorry to say that people like you need to really get a life we've done more with that restaurant diner in the last 5 months then Donna Jean didn't last 14 years I thank you for your business and your comments will be taken to Heart and hopefully we can win you back hope you all enjoy the summer I think the big problem in the whole Weirs area has helped it's hard to find a cook that isn't on drugs or waitress that wants to work but we'll do our best that's a promise

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From what I have read in this thread, exactly 1 person has given a review that was less than positive and the other just made a simple suggestion. Personally, I found it to be quite harsh and a bit nit-picky, but that's just me.

What I believe you will find on this particular forum is that the majority of people will take the reviews "for what it is worth"... meaning that those that create an account to bash a restaurant will not get much of a response. Those that complain about every restaurant in the area besides one or two, will not get much of a response. Those that trash a restaurant on opening day/week will not get much of a response.

May I suggest you remove your negative comments on this board to eliminate the negative responses it will surely bring?

I look forward to visiting your restaurant when I am in the area the last week of July.
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