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Old 04-07-2016, 11:09 AM   #27
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Well it is 1986 we had just moved from Washington, and where at Winnipesaukee staying at my Aunts camp, with the boat for the first time.
We had a map, and where learning our way around... Then we got over confident.

We had gone by pistol and where headed up between the neck and Spectacle Island when all of a sudden we noticed some big rocks... Luckily we where going slowly. But we put the engine up and paddle our way out of the mess we found ourselves in.... (but that isn't the best part) Then we argued about what went wrong.... Dad had one version, I had another, brother had a 3rd and Uncle was just confused (note that while they had a place on the lake, they had never ventured out of the are between Long Island and the neck, as they only had a small sail boat).... Then we finally decided we better look at the map... if you know the area you know there are 6 Spars, 3 Red and 3 Black... They are SPARs not channel markers.... very important to remember... because all of a sudden the Reds and blacks switch sides... because going up the side of the hazard you need to first be to the south west of it... Then you need to be to the North of it..... and oh wait there is a hazard on the other side that you need to be to the east of and then to the south of the next hazard.....

We never have gotten cocky and over confident again.... better to look at the map every once in a while..... The lake humbled all of us that day

Add me to this list. Gone through this area dozens of times but about 10 years ago treated them as a channel markers and kissed one of the boulders. Since its a no wake zone I was not going fast enough to do any damage to the aluminum boat.

Another One

Back in the 80s and right around the corner in front of the boys camp my uncle had 5 people in is 18 foot bow rider. The red spar that sits out on a rock now in the middle of the "bay" was not there. During this trip he started to accelerate well before the rock, but do to the extra weight in the boat and his crappy Force engine it did not get on plane quick enough. He ripped 2 of the 3 blades off his prop. Luckily he was only several hundred yards from our dock.

Growing up navigating Winni makes navigation on every other lake I now go to a snap.
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