Thread: Village Kitchen
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Old 12-21-2015, 01:24 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by GusMan View Post
I don't know SAMIAM, but *love* the VK (I've only been for breakfast).

I completely understand the disadvantage of using the on premises ATM vs a credit card. Nobody likes to pay additional fees. However, it is this very same reason (among others I'd imagine) that the VK chooses not to accept credit cards.... it would shift the fee burden from the consumer to the business that already operates on such slim profit margins.

Now, I would guess that with a high end fancy restaurant with guest checks averaging many times what the VK averages... it would be easier to absorb such fees as part off doing business.

Not that I have any experience in the restaurant business... other than patronage that is!

See you at the VK in the spring... cash in hand!


My point is, many people will not go and patronize a restaurant because it is cash only and may pose a inconvenience for some.
If I have to take $20.00 out of the ATM it is going to cost me $3.00 to do so. If a restaurant accepts CC's at 0.04% that same $20.00 costs them $0.80. If I were a restaurant owner, I would rather pay $0.80 vs. losing out on $19.20.
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