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Old 12-20-2005, 10:39 AM   #66
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I don't agree with bashing of any kind. People have have a right to form thier opinions, but bashing certainly isn't acceptable behavior.

That being said, when you attempt to take away an individual's personal freedoms, the response tends to be be less than agreeable, and sometimes downright nasty. This is especially true when there is a serious question as to what the real intent of the law is.

In the case of HB-162, the sponsor of the bill, Rep. Pilliod, has stated that HB-162 has nothing to do with speed or safety. If HB-162 has nothing to do with speed or safety, then what is it really about? He has stated it is about fear. What exactly are people afraid of? The accident statistics for Lake Winnipesaukee don't support a need for a speed limit, in fact we had fewer accidents last year than the year before.

So what is the real issue then? After reviewing the statements of Rep. Pilliod and others, one can reasonably conclude that the real reason behind HB-162 is that some people just don't like high performance boats. Dislike is not a basis for legislation that severely restricts or limits an individuals personal freedom.

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