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Old 04-21-2015, 05:29 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by arttwood View Post
For the last several years, I've wanted to buy a waterfront lake home and the stars have aligned that now make that possible. I've got 3 kids (the oldest headed off to college next year, the youngest headed to middle school) and I've romanticized the wonderful memories and family time together -- in those brief years remaining before the kids head off.

So, from an 'emotional' point of view, I think buying a house on the lake is a 'no brainer' -- it ticks a lot of boxes and is something I think we would really enjoy.

However, when I think about the logic of this decision -- the significant $$ paid at the waterfront for a relatively modest home -- gives me pause. To make the "logic" side of this equation more challenging, there is such a short season here in NH. Can one really justify this expense for a property that is primarily used* for 12 weeks a year? And even then, as I work in Southern NH, my time at the lake would be limited to weekends. . . .it just seems a little crazy.

So, when I reflect on the logic of this decision -- it doesn't seem like a very smart one to me! Perhaps some Winni veterans and waterfront homeowners can shed some wisdom!


*My usage of the property in winter would be very limited, as I'm not an ice-fishing/snowmobile enthusiast.
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