Thread: Good-bye
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Old 10-09-2014, 05:02 PM   #11
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Sorry to see you leave... I can say that takes the right type of person to understand the mentality of an internet forum such as this, and a lot of people don't understand this, and may have their own reasons for joining the forum.

Not that I have a good mentality but I've been playing with 'forums' similar to this since before the internet (anyone remember the old dial up BBSs?) and have long learned that it can take a thick skin to get to the point where you can enjoy it, even if someone is not agreeing with you.

In fact, I know that for every person that registers for the forum, only a small portion of those even participate. Not to mention that probably with a 10 to 1 (or possibly even a 100 to 1) ratio, more people will read the forum than will ever even register (I know this as I've created/run many forums over the years). So it takes a certain someone to even get to the point to make a post.

So you have to take everything with a grain of salt, and realize that everyone will have their own opinion (or two), and almost no one may agree with your thoughts or beliefs.

If you enjoy parts of the forum, then remain, using only those parts. If you make some friends, good for you! But realize everyone here isn't a 'friend' but some may be friendlier than others. On the other hand, every once in a while, you may make a great friend, but as it is in 'real life' (as they say), this can be a rare happening and should be appreciated as such when it does occur.

I find this forum well run, and it mostly has a great bunch of people (actually I can't think of one bad one at the moment, but that can change after one post).

You can't let a forum such as this one make you lose sleep, get a headache, or have a drink (but you can drink while on the forum)! It's more like hanging out at a local coffee shop, where you know of most of the regulars, but you don't nessesarily agree with their political direction, ethics, religious beliefs, morals, nor even their choice of a cup of coffee.

With that said, I hope we see you again!
Don't listen to me, obviously I don't understand what I'm talking about!
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