Originally Posted by jeffk
Before everyone gets too excited, a MB with 1.5 billion in debt and interest to service will not be the same as it was. Prices will have to go up. Negative effects will happen.
I think you are wrong. Operations will snap back quickly and in a couple of months it will be hard to notice there ever was a problem. According to reports T is financing $500MM on a $3B purchase. That isn't high financial leverage in my book. T will have to pay back the $500MM but he won't need to be pay out millions in dividends to the S side of the family. Also, T can slowdown, or stop for a while, the opening of new stores which reportedly have historically been financed internally by free cash flow.
As I have stated before this is a wonderful story that highlights what can happen when capital and labor respect each other and work together to maximize value.
Support MB in the weeks to come!