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Old 08-21-2014, 05:43 PM   #21
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Default What is the difference?

Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
Is clearly marked with channel buoys yet I have seen many people ignore the Headway speed marker and plane right into the rocks in front of Irwin Marine. On occasion someone would float some Clorox bottles in the area hoping it would be a deterrent.

I would like to make two proposals to NH legislature. One all motorized rental vessels regardless of horsepower, the lessee must pass the boater's safety course. Two, lessors of motorized vessels must inform the lessees of all safety features such as a map, life jackets, throwables, whistle etc. Unless there are already on the books.

I don't think this is too much to ask.
I agree with the concept but you can't legislate common sense. I am against more laws and regulations. There are many licensed, seasoned boaters on this lake that violate the rules daily. Two of the most significant accidents on the lake in recent years were with very seasoned boaters at the helm.

If someone rents a vessel to head out on the lake and doesn't have, or inquire about a chart, then there is not much hope. If they are not smart enough to know they they need it then what would you expect? You can't fix s.....

I was going through the Weirs Channel today and someone was coming towards me in the middle of the channel. I was operating a boat with a 14 foot beam. After honking at them three times, motioning to them, they forced me aside and as they passed asked me what I wanted. I explained that they couldn't take their half in the middle. They didn't get it. They went under the bridge, dead center.

It's getting worse. I have seen more violations and dumb moves in the last month than I have in the previous 5 years.
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