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Old 06-30-2014, 11:56 AM   #14
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We, I should say just me, got up and went in at about 6am. These things are the real deal and are awesome

I asked about selling out so early, and I was told they are hiring more people to meet the demand as their goal is to stay open till 11am.
Their hours show 12am-11am

They also have a call ahead, so you can call and they will hold your order on the side to be picked up between 5am-8:30am before they will go back into circulation - How awesome

Their prices are extermly reasonable considering Dunkin Donuts pricing.
Goody Good prices:
$1 a piece
$4.50 for 1/2 dozen
$9 for a dozen

Dunks over $8 a dozen

I will be calling at midnight while I am still sitting at the fire pit so I do not have to rush in the morning.
Capt. of the "No Worries"
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