Thread: Fee for Kayaks
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Old 12-20-2013, 08:00 AM   #59
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I think its a bit over the top to suggest that a $10 fee will send tourists to other states. If they are coming to Winni for a week, they are already spending "thousands" and another $10 is not going to drive them away. Maine has been requiring a $10 invasive species sticker for years and while inconvenient to have to remember to get one, it is not a deterrent for me to visit. I'm sure people will be more annoyed by getting hit with fines for not knowing but, like Maine, visitors will become aware as time goes on and accept the expense.

Also, most of your boaters fees goes into a public access fund to pay for sites like Downes Landing and maintenance costs all over the state. These are the same landing/launches used by canoes and yaks. People using these craft also rely on Fish and Game and Marine patrol for assistance and should pay their share. Yes, I have a canoe and I pay registration on it (because I have a trolling motor I use sometimes on it). I have no problem kicking in another $10 and I certainly am not rich.

Like many, I am more concerned about a history of mis-management of funds and raiding of funds raised by the above activities to pay for mis-management of the general fund. I don't like that a "Conservation and History" license plate is offered. The funds from this go to both Conservation and Historical efforts whereas I think they should separate these two efforts so you can direct your money to where you want it. Both are important but by combining them, I see that as another way of raiding Conservation funds.
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