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Old 10-19-2013, 06:54 AM   #1
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Default Where to get small roof trusses built?

My grandfather lives in Alton Bay, and for the last 5 years or so, we've put up one of those fabric portable garages for him to keep his vehicle out of the snow in the winters. He is 95 yrs old and lives alone in his house up on the mountain, and I don't want him out in the snow cleaning off his car.

The last 2 shelters that we've put up have not survived longer than 2 or 3 years in the heavy snow. We've only spent around $300 on the shelters and got the cheap ones, so this year I figured I'd buy one of the more heavy duty ones that cost close to a thousand dollars and actually a bit more.

Then I thought, instead of buying another portable garage that won't last through a strong storm, I could put up a small pole barn type structure. I thought I could set 6 or 8 pressure treated posts in the ground, then large beams spanning those, and set premade trusses over the top. Then just put the roof on and be done with it. This would be enough to keep his car clean of snow.

Does anyone know where I can buy roof trusses for something like this? I'm planning around 12 or 14' wide, by 24' or so long. He only has one vehicle and that's all he keeps under there.

Or, any better ideas aside from building a full blown garage?
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