Thread: What An Idiot!
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Old 09-16-2013, 01:11 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
I'm sorry gilly. I really think you need to step away from the keyboard. Somewhere along the way you took this way way too personally. I am not being passive aggressive nor am I being anything aggressive. You were the first one here to throw around your education and knowledge, not me. Now you're "outraged" oh wait now you're not? Relax, it's a debate about an issue. You see things one way, I see them another. IT IS NOT PERSONAL! Do you go on the internet to have a love fest and just agree with everything you read? I have to say in this instance, sorry no disrespect, that you are reaching for theories. I feel as though you are letting things cloud your judgement on this one. lp MADE A MISTAKE. That is the central issue. Not whether or not I am more educated than you or you are smarter than all of us. Forget about the 5 minutes, before the maneuver, he made a navigational move into the path of another boat. THAT IS ALL WE NEED TO KNOW!!! Yes I am really really perplexed that you can't see that simple fact that lp turned into another boats path and HE ADMITTED IT! lol I guess I give up on this one. Take a breath and relax. It's ok to debate people. You have your theory, I have mine. Enjoy the day.
Pot, kettle, black. You're obviously not reading what I wrote for comprehension.
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