Thread: What An Idiot!
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Old 09-16-2013, 10:44 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
So holy cow yourself. My point is simple. A reasonable person can deduce from the statement that lp made a little mistake. NO BIG DEAL. Relax about it. My bigger point is that his post was OFFENSIVE when he himself was PROBABLY, and IMO based in MANY years of boating, ACTUALLY at fault himself. Formula was wrong lp was wrong.

He called the other boater an A##HOLE AND THEN:

The lake is full of morons on the weekend, with boats that they buy to compensate for their manhood. Can't handle them.

All extremely offensive. Where is the outrage?
So it's not okay to call someone an %$^hole, but it is okay to call them unreasonable. Or to make this statement:


It has nothing to do with being a KNOW it all. The man said in his own words that DIRECT QUOTE:

He "..Looked behind me many times and there was no boat within 500 yards. I may have been cruising for 5 minutes when I was getting to my destination"

If you can't read that as, he waited 5 minutes before looking behind his vessel or the fact that he didn't state that he checked behind his vessel before making the maneuver then ummmm wow... is all I can say."

Okay, so you can't read that as, he looked behind his boat many times during the 5 minutes it took to reach his destination? Do you actually think he would come on here and say he didn't look behind for 5 minutes? Does that actually bolster his case? No, it doesn't.

I'm outraged that you won't admit you could be reading the whole 5 minute thing wrong. I'm outraged that when someone's opinion is different from yours, you make snide comments. Okay, I'm not really outraged, but one minute you say it's no big deal that he nearly caused a collision because he didn't keep a proper watch, and then you want me to be outraged by his language. Language doesn't outrage me unless it's not telling the truth. But the passive-aggressive stuff does tend to drive me nuts.
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