Thread: What An Idiot!
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Old 09-16-2013, 10:29 AM   #87
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If you get the math, then that is great... By no means was my post call you or anyone else out personally... now if you decided to take it personally then I can't do anything about that...

Now, I decided to re-read laserp post... and let me say this... His actions after discovering the formula coming up from behind, only made a bad situation worse. And Luckily didn't end up in an accident. He slowed down and turned right, then noticed a boat coming from the stern on the right, and chose to continue to turn right, and powered back up? hummmm

What if the formula saw him turn right and slow down, and headed further right to clear him? Figuring it was safer to continue on his course and avoid having to cut back over the wake. Or maybe powering back up saved Laserp's bacon... I don't know... maybe it wasn't as close as he tries to make it out.. I don't know.... Maybe Maybe Maybe, and what if could go on all day...

The bottom line is he failed to keep a constant look out, was caught by surprise, and then felt he had no blame in situation...

Me stands by my closing of my last post...

Last what if laserp was just trying to stir the pot? he has very few posts, and hasn't bothered to chime back in........I guess he succeeded if that is what he was trying to do..

There are a number of people with a mindset that performance boaters are the enemy..... and do anything to put undo blame on them...

Let me say this, I am not a performance boater, nor do I own one.... I can only go off of what was posted here... what was posted here, tells me that the poster, had blame in the situation... how much, is hard to tell with out being there... I have been boating all my life, and ended up in many bad situations... you can take two avenues after a bad situation:

1-- Assume you had no blame and the other guy was totally at fault.

2-- look at your actions, decide where you could have done things differently, and avoid the potential situation next time.

All anyone her has tried to do, was look at the situation constructively... and point out how things could have been done differently...
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....

Last edited by LIforrelaxin; 09-16-2013 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Corrected a few errors
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