Thread: What An Idiot!
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Old 09-16-2013, 10:24 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
I am not making any assumptions.... I am taking Laser's story as told as fact. In what was his second or third post he called somebody an ***hole and insulted their manhood while telling a story that by his own words put him at fault for bad seamanship. Its not personal. It bothers me that people are quick to blame the Formula when in fact Laser is the guilty party.
I completely agree that by laserp's own description of slowing and turning, and then seeing the Formula that he did not maintain a proper watch. But you do assume the distance between the two was 150' or so, otherwise you assume there would have been a collision. You yourself state it's debatable. I guess the issue that I'm having with your point is that you seem to absolve the Formula of any wrongdoing. If I am incorrect I apologize.
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