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Old 04-12-2013, 06:53 AM   #7
Tired of Waiting
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Default Co detector never up high

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Location for a smoke or carbon monoxide detector? Does it make all that much difference that it gets installed up on the ceiling, or over on a vertical wall, about one foot down from the ceiling? What is the difference?


Never install the Co detector up high, ceiling. Co is heavy and settles in low areas. These detectors should be installed BELOW your head level on the bed. That way it will sound before the Co gets to you. If you have a cellar with "no" sleeping area then it can be installed higher as Co will fill the cellar before it reaches the living area.

I have a smoke/Co detector in the hallway of the living area installed on a wall outlet. Not so good for smoke as smoke will be up higher. So I also have smoke detectors in the hallway mounted on the ceiling. I have three smoke detectors in the house as well in areas where they can detect smoke before it gets into bedrooms.

Just remember the combination detectors can't really do both well. They are a compromise between each detection for convenience of the user. So I suggest to use both smoke/Co and pure smoke detectors in combination to get the full benefit.

The question then becomes a cost question. My answer is "what is your and your families life worth?"

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