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Old 11-07-2012, 09:27 AM   #328
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I believe the electoral college still has value:
1) It forces candidates to pay attention to small and rural states. Without the EC a candidate could easily win the popular vote with only urban votes.

2) The EC penalizes one party states. Candidates can safely ignore states that do not have robust competition in their governments.

This country is great because we have a robust competition of ideas. We argue about them, then we vote. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. I would not want to live in a country where one side always won, even if it was my side.

Everyone knows that the other side is watching and is ready to pounce if you screw up, it keeps you on your toes.

The President knows that the next 4 years defines his legacy. He wants to turn this country around and be a success. He does not want to go in the history books as "not as bad as GWB". So he will have to make a few deals with Boehner.
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