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Old 11-02-2012, 09:50 PM   #1
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Default No holes transducer mount...

My Sea Ray 182BR needs a stern mounted transducer. I have a puck style transducer which I epoxied into the hull. Due to the cored hull and my unwillingness to remove the inner layer and foam, it isn't so good. Actually it is accurate whenever I'm in 565' of water, which is never.

So now I wish to mount a transducer to my transom but want to avoid the need to rename her to HMS Swiss Cheese.

I propose the use of a piece of polypropolene, polyethelene or whatever material cutting boards are made of. I'll screw the transducer mounting screws into it. As a cutting board, this material is cheap. As "King Starboard" marine purpose material, it's pricey but I have some left over from another project.

The issue: How do I affix it to my transom?

I was thinking about using a good quality bedding caulk designed for use below the waterline. As an alternative I could use RTV silicone caulk. As a last resort (I'm committment adverse) epoxy could be used.


I'll also have to get the cable through the transom but a proper fitting and copious bedding compound should resolve that.
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