Thread: Canoe
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Old 10-04-2012, 07:11 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by canoe View Post
Good evening,

I do actually read the forum, I do reply and have posted my personnel email for anyone that would like to contact me. Thank you all for your comments, good, bad and otherwise. Regarding having a time limit on how long you can dine. I have never a will never have a time limit on how long a guest can or wants to sit at a table. We ask that specific question on very busy nights when we have reservations at open tables. For instance, a party of four walks in at 5:30pm, the only table or table available has a reservation at 7pm at them, the question arises is an hour and a half enough time for you, we have a reservation at 7 pm at that table which is available right now, is this going to be enough time for you to enjoy your dinner. If it is not I may not be able to sit you at this time, you may have to wait for another table that does not have a reservation waiting. All we are trying to do is accommodate all of our guest and MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY..Which we all now is not easy, but I think we do a damn good job at it…
I will say with 100% confidence I have never asked a table to leave or please finish up we have customers waiting, I have had CUSTOMERS ask people at tables to hurry up because they are waiting. Better yet you get customer telling you they will never come back because the table next to them was too loud or their children were crying, of course this is my fault. The summer is busy and so are the weekends, the season is short and we do our absolute best to accommodate all of our guests needs. Am I going to make every single person happy, apparently not, but you can best my last dollar I will try,,,, I am not in this business to make people unhappy, nor are my servers. We all rely on the quality of our food, service and the atmosphere we give to customers for our income.
For the notice about help, seriously we have never had as much of a problem getting help. We are actually turning away business because of the lack of servers and bartenders. This is a problem that has been going on for years, but never this bad, why work when you can sit at home and make more money, but don’t get me started… I think someone said if a business has been around that long with a good reputation they should have no problem with help. I wish that was the case. We are one of the few industries that you require your staff to work WEEKENDS, NIGHTS, HOLIDAYS, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS EVE, VACATION WEEKS, SONS, DAUGHTERS AND SPOUCES BIRTHDAYS IF IT FALLS ON ONE OF THOSE DAYS, ETC….you name it, any days the regular 8-6 working person has off we work, why: because we love the business, love making people happy with our food, service and atmosphere.
Again I thank all of you for your comments.
Scott Ouellette
Owner/ Chef

PS. The Capital Club is not a restaurant, just part of O Steaks in Concord

GOOD EVENING to you as well. Haven't been to your restaurant yet: YOU SIR have not done your business any favors with your most arrogant and ill concieved post. NB

PS: Try to break up your text into paragraphs so we old coots (with money and an inclination to eat out) can read it without going crosseyed.. Thanks.
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