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Old 05-29-2012, 08:09 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by IslandRadio View Post
Sunday morning of the Memorial Day Weekend, I was heading into West Alton Marina where we keep our boat when we're not on the island. There was a boat in front of me going exceedingly slow (ok, no biggie), and I was getting a little close (about 30 feet away).

The guy driving the boat hung his arm out over the side, and I figured maybe he was going to signal me to back off or something like that. All of a sudden, he drops something into the water - say WHAT????

So, I approached the object, and discovered it was a CIGARETTE BUTT!!! Unbelievable??!!! I was really steamed.

The guy pulled up to the gas dock (very very likely not a WAM "resident"), so when I went past the gas dock, I got the bow number.

I'm wondering if there is some way I could report this. It was only him and me - no other witnesses to the crime. It was one of the most unbelievable things I've ever seen up here. I can't imagine anyone doing such a thing.
What a shame! That would have ticked me off also. When I'm out on the lake and see things floating I make a point to pick them up. I've picked up lumber, buckets and just yesterday a trash bag. I know this stuff accidentally finds it's way into the lake so to see someone deliberately do that would pi$$ me off. I hate seeing drivers throw butts out the window of their cars. I've seen drivers dump out there ash trays at stop lights. I've even picked up butts outside my home the morning after a party. It would be like me throwing my empty beer cans on your lawn while I'm partying at your home.

I just don't get it
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