Thread: 2012 Fuel Costs
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Old 03-18-2012, 03:35 PM   #81
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Default Speculators in energy

Originally Posted by NoRegrets View Post
You are right. Energy is the backbone to our economy. It may take years to see impact from policy to consumer price. These situations are muti-dimensional to say the least. I do not like wall street speculation on energy and would like to see the law that allowed it reversed. Speculation activity seems to sling-shot price with no regard to value.

There is a balance that is needed to keep a healthy planet, society, and economic model. You cannot stop spending or spend too much. You need to be conservative at times and liberal when appropriate.
Let me try to explain "speculation"...Anyone who owns a share of stock is a "speculator" in what ever the segment that share of stock represents. Speculation is betting on future increase in value. This President (if he understood economics) could fire a shot over the head of "speculators" by throwing a damper on the future value of oil. If there is just a "perception" that future value of oil will be affected by today's decisions, the price will fall as stock holders sell.

Obama could announce tomorrow (or could have yesterday) that all Govt. vehicles are going to be converted to natural gas, an announcement to build the Keystone Pipeline, lift ban on Gulf drilling, open Anwar. In other words "drill, drill, drill". The price of oil will plummet as Chevron stockholders sell.

Obama said "There is nothing I can do to control gas prices". What he should have said, to be more accurate, is "I can't think of anything to do to lower gas prices".

The shape of the future depends on the decisions we make today.
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