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Old 07-28-2011, 02:28 PM   #379
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Default Skydive Laconia

You really think anything said on this forum will sway them one way or the other? I think their minds are already made up.
Personally I don't believe that any information on this thread has, or will sway anyone on the LAA. They made up their minds in July 2008 when we first approached them, before they ever even saw our proposal. This is THEIR airport and they will run it the way THEY want, regardless of proper procedure and due process. It was, is and continues to be, an example of a local political machine at it's worst.

I post what I post here for a couple of reasons:
1) To educate the intelligent masses here on the forum that refuse to give into the fear mongering. To the citizens that are being denied new jobs and additional economic stimulus. I post for their benefit, to keep them in formed.
2) To provide a permanent record of the mismanagement of this process by the LAA and the local elected officials, so that when the next election rolls around, the citizenry of these communities can demand accountability for the actions of those put in power to serve them.
3) To continue to communicate, even in a one way capacity, with both the LAA and those elected officials. They are all on here reading this, despite never being willing to respond publicly. Ironic, huh?

Since I found this thread, I have been an open book. I post honest and factual information, while the other side hides, refusing to take a public stand. I post to continue to show you that I am not afraid of the facts or the truth, that I invite anyone to challenge the veracity of my statements.

I stand up. They hide.

Does that bother you? It should.

But in the end, look where we are from post #1, where you were warned about those two "floridians" that were trying to drop skydivers on to the airport, over "YOUR homes".

Facts have thrown out every argument that they have made.
1) Landing parachutes on the airport (even AOPA recognizes that as the appropriate method).
2) Size of the airport (everywhere else in the country, similar size and traffic airports support skydiving)
3) We will lose our jets! (Sorry, the NASCAR guys and the John Marriots will still show up, they said so)
4) Landing on the object free area of grass (already happening around the country)
5) Flight schools and No Radio GA traffic (already established by the FAA that's not an issue)
6) Skill of the operators (Despite the cowardly actions of the LAA claiming my stance on aircraft/skydiver collisions is of concern, the rest of the free world continues to consider me a global expert on tandem skydiving safety)
7) Jets "may have some" insurance problems with parachutes (not from any insurance carriers anyone knows of)

and so on and so...........

We met every one of their concerns HEAD ON, never shying away, never backing down. We brought the facts and the truth with us and because of that, they have never been able make any valid argument against us.

Remember all of this come election time. The people you put in office and that are placed on the LAA board are meant to serve you. You are not meant to serve them.

Blue skies to all and to all a good flight,
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