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Old 07-05-2011, 11:15 AM   #2
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Default ...the late , great James Carlin! bad....that should read GEORGE CARLIN....sorry about that!

Hey wasn't it Camp Walt Whitman on beautifull Lake Tarlton, which borders the White Mountain National Forest way up in Orford or somewhere remote, that had a young George Carlin the comedian for a young camper who got his start in dramatics as a camper on the Camp Walt Whitman stage!

If Camp Walt Whitman alumni George Carlin(1937 - 2008) were still alive and able to respond to your post, what would he say? Something like: Yeah, when I was a kid, my parents shipped me off to Camp Walt Whitman way up in the New Hampshire mountains and it was a terrific camp.....very safe....very secure...very out in the woods...and a big change from living down here in New York City. The only thing we had to watch out for, was getting out on the camp lake....because you know....the locals....and how they felt that they owned the little lake just because they had all been there all their lives.

Here's something that I noticed dead give-a-way that someone was a local from the area was that they were missing all their front teeth!!

What's another George Carlism for this scenario here.......anyone?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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