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Old 05-10-2011, 05:42 AM   #342
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Default Certain People

Originally Posted by TheNoonans View Post
I'm not surprised that certain people would want this thread moved or closed.

What was created to be a smear campaign against us using smoke and mirrors turned 180 degrees when we found it and began providing facts. Not only is this thread not serving the smear campaign purpose it was created for, it is now giving us a platform to provide facts and truth to the community. I am sure that fact continues to bother more than one person........

(Please remember this point if nothing else.......we didn't come to the forum to start this debate.......someone else did.)

I'd also like to point out that this thread has been rated with 5 stars and is approaching 30,000 views, so it must be considered to be of some value to the online community here.

And that's really what this whole thing is about, serving the community. You don't like where the thread is going? The easiest thing to do? Don't view it.

Admittedly, I had to look up the word "contentious":

"Likely to cause an arguement" or "controversial"

I don't consider this thread arguementative, it's a debate. Of all my posts on here, how many of them did I make a point to wish Mr. Hemmel well in his pursuits, even if his pursuits were clearly to discredit me? Quite a few.
I am not one of the "certain people" Frankly, I think your business should be approved ASAP.

My comments stems from the fact that most threads that gained this level of views and posts generally are contentious (speed limits on the lake, no wake zones, etc)- and these threads are promptly moved into the issues section of this forum.

Moderators statement: "This separated forum is provided for the discussion and debate about controversial issues that effect the Lakes Region but are discouraged from the other more friendly areas. Debates about speed limits, no-wake zones, noise and general complaints and griping belong here. Threads in other forums that turn into debates, arguments or bickering will be moved here. Warning! Avoid this area if you don't like debates and arguments! "

My question is, how is this different than a thread on the MP budget being cut?
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