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Old 02-19-2011, 03:36 PM   #93
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Default Garmin tech

Talked to someone at Garmin about the radar - garmin discrepency. They say both devices should be dead on. They are willing to be expert testimony on the validity of the GPS. If the courts don't believe the accuracy of the GPS, that would put the GPS system in a nutshell.

If I had unplug the Garmin right after the stop, they may be able to hack the memory and show the court my accurate speed. next time I know better. The date and time will be stamped.

I still say the officer had a bad day and made my day.

Twice in my life, I was picked up for DUI and had my day in court. I am profound hard of hearing and my speech is not good. I have bad equilibrium and I can not walk a straight line. I was giving the breathalyzer and I pass. Yet, the officers insist I was onto something and arrested me. Both times I was found guilty in, what my lawyer says, 'kangaroo court'. Yet both officers failed to appear in appeals court. So the convictions were thrown out. I lost my license for 30 days even though I was innocent. Is that justice? Since then, I hate to be driving around at night.

Next time I get caught speeding, I'm saving my GPS memory.
Someday may never be an actual day.

Last edited by BroadHopper; 02-21-2011 at 10:57 PM.
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