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Old 02-05-2011, 12:04 PM   #652
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Originally Posted by NoRegrets View Post
Good and fair question. No I did not read or study the court trial transcripts. I have read the writings from the forum members and news media. I then applyed my values and instincts as the basis of my logic. I think it is interesting to understand how people come to a conclusion to offer judgement. If you re-read my first statement I did refer to "the evidence posted here".
I agree that the information here (and from the news media) can be a valuable part of the base for forming an opinion in a broad sense, but typically there is also a lot of information from these type of sources that is baseless, and continues to be repeated. Let me take for example, a "fact" that several people here have incorrectly reported, that the woman's past was not a factor in the trial. In fact, her conviction WAS included as part of the information that the jury heard.
So it does get frustrating to try and converse in this thread with others who haven't taken the time to educate themselves as much as they possibly can before they make a hard-and-fast statement. Certainly, the most interesting part of this for me at least is extrapolating between "known" facts from all sources to determine what I believe happened. I have no emotional or political connection to the case, so it feels a bit like an intellectual exercise.
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