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Old 08-15-2010, 03:30 PM   #7
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Default Boating Etiquette Question

Thanks for posting this question because a similar situation happened to me this weekend. I was parked in Meredith in front of The Inn at Bay Point on Saturday. At the time I docked there were 2 boats in front of me and a jet ski behind me. When the small boat in front of me left, it left a very tight or small space between my boat and another tied up at the end of the dock.

When we returned to our boat we noticed a pontoon boat in front of us and our boat had been moved. In my opinion I find it intrusive and irresponsible for anyone to move my lines (or anyone else's for that matter) without my knowledge or consent, or taking into account what could happen. By doing so you run the risk of being responsbile for any damage done to the boat you are moving. For example, what if the line you moved came undone? Isn't it better to leave well enough alone and wait for a spot like we all have to do?

In my instance my boat was moved back. The front line was very loose causing the bow to stick way out from the dock (certainly not the way I left it). In addition, my drive (which was raised) was only inches away from the jet ski behind me. If someone were to come by with a wake (as we all know they do)then my skeg would have hit the jet ski for sure.

Therefore it is my opinion that during very busy days at public docks it is better to be safe than sorry and wait for an opening that your boat can fit in without moving someone else's boat to make room for your own, unless you are ready to take full responsibility if something happens to the boat you move.

I think this is an excellent question. Personally I wouldn't even think about touching someone else's boat or boat lines. To me, it's personal property and not worth risking or causing what could become a very bad situation.
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