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Old 06-04-2010, 09:50 PM   #1
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Default 25' Motorboat off Weirs

I caught this blurred image on side-scan, and was pretty sure it was something worth seeing, like the next two posts that follow this. I know the quality is nothing to write home in either this post or the next two but I was confident but not positive they were man-made. I just sort of "read" this one and decided it had to be checked out. Happens like that alot.

I anchored over the target and descended to 69 feet or so, landing next to a motorboat I estimated at 25 feet, the most intact one I've seen yet in the lake. Big engine centered where they usually are, windshield intact that appeared to be framed in aluminum, with 3 or 4 lines off the gunwhales extending up into the water column; Lines on the bow deck hooked into the guides. As boats go this was in nice shape-no major rot at all. Seats gone but steering wheel in place with a big (chrome?) steel shaft that I assume was the tranny control just to the left of the wheel. No bow numbers to be found but the stern had a placard about 8" x 20" with a name on it-all I could make out was the first letter (I guess the first) and it was a capital "N".

My guess is maybe 1940's vintage-'50s? When did they stop using the big stick off the floor to control forward and reverse?

If anyone has ideas about who owned this thing or how it got there I'd like to know. Nifty find in decent shape.
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