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Old 01-20-2010, 04:20 PM   #63
lawn psycho
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Default Fear mongering

Originally Posted by elchase View Post
I wrote all of the reps and got back numerous friendly replies. Sometimes it is better to just write to their personal addresses.
I think ten boats anchored all day in a cove that size is plenty...probably as much abuse as any cove can stand. Remember, we are not just talking about boats sitting inertly atop the water here. People are peeing and littering. Bilge pumps are kicking on and off. Like any place else that people frequent, lots of "stuff" is being left behind. Like any other rafting cove on the lake, the bottom is covered with sunk Budweiser empties, and worse. And therein lies the problem. Too many partiers have taken too much of a toll for too long on what used to be such a nice spot, or this bill would not have ever gotten filed. Blame them...blame yourselves.
Ten boats might not be the right number, but at least it is a start. Now the reps can argue about whether it should be ten boats or eight or sixteen, but at least we have a proposal with a fixed number, and that number can be debated and tweeked. That is how the legislative process is supposed to work.
What is your suggestion? "No limits"? "Let people decide for themselves"? Sounds familiar.
Meanwhile, a much better rafting spot continues to be roped off to all boats...right off Ellacoya State Beach in Gilford. The cleanest water in the lake. The nicest bottom. Acres and acres of 3-ft deep sandy bottom off shore of state-owned land with nobody using it. A natural flushing system (Ellacoya Brook) to wash the pee away. Ropes say "Keep out". Why? Where's the outrage?
You are trying to give a solution to something where there is no problem.

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honey, did you see that!!!!, there's boats out there on the water. Quick, call the Marine Patrol!!!

All those "partiers" in Braun Bay are mostly families enjoying the few warm days of summer. Swimming, sun bathing, socializing. Widespread drunken frat party, we all know that's not even close to reality.

If water from bilge pumps are an issue, then the State of NH should require every private dock to be pulled so their bilge pump isn't cycling 24/7 for the entire boating season. Being realistic, that "bilge" water that you want to somehow relate too toxic waste is the very water that came from the lake. Wow what a half-brained fear-mongering attempt to misinform.

If someone is going to put trash in the lake, they will do it whether that are rafting at a sandbar or not. I am among the many who will stop my boat to pluck something out of the water. The problem with you making a statement like this is you are using a generalization with no factual evidence. My experience is that most people are careful to keep trash out of the water.

In fact, I would argue that lakefront or near lake front properties add more to water quality issues than every boat on the lake. Your roof, house, and all impervious surfaces prevent water from penetrating the ground and getting filtered. Your septic system is your indirect yellow and brown contributions to the lake. Your driveway and the salt and sand from nearby roads that makes into the lake are not exactly desirable. The oil that is on your driveway that gets washed into the lake. Sealcoat your driveway, yep, that's harmful too. It's seems like the ban should be those who LIVE near the lake then there is no problem.....

Your post demonstrates to me that all the red herring issues you raise for Braun Bay are not a "problem" as long as it get's moved to another area of the lake so you don't have to see boats in the Bay. The NHMP data also shows your complaints are not backed by facts.

I agree that parts/all of Ellacoya could be opened up to boaters.
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