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Old 01-20-2010, 02:16 PM   #58
Yosemite Sam
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Originally Posted by Airwaves View Post
Here is a rough transcript of Braun Bay bill before Moultonborough Selectmen
1/7/10 by Betsy Patten. According to her testimony there is a hearing on this bill Thursday Jan 21st. I have not doubled checked that information:

Rep Patten “I also put in a bill about the rafting that is happening, how many boats are in Braun Bay and that hearing will be coming up on the 21st which is probably next week?, next week the 28th? No,

Selectman, “I think there’s already a thing on there”

Rep Patten “Well what happens is that you can, I think you can put 3 boats together in a raft, what happens at Braun Bay is that there is multiples of 3 and it just grows and grows and grows and I have gotten complaints, and I have always heard that under the law enforcement on the water, there wasn’t anything that law enforcement on the land can do unless marine patrol was out there, and so I wanted to be able to…what I put in was to limit how many rafting conglomerations can be out there, Say you can put three rafts of three out there, I don’t know where it’s going to go. The hearing is, I’m going to ask people for their input that are down in Braun Bay and we’ll see what happens with that so, every time I get a complaint it’s like lets talk about it and lets see if we can do ..mumbles….”
Thank you Airwaves!

Information like that is what is needed to carry on a good debate about the Braun Bay Bill.

What Rep Patten stated makes since because she is asking for input and is collecting data. She doesn't claim to be a know it all and is open for suggestions.

Good job Airwaves!
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