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Old 12-14-2009, 03:48 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by wifi View Post
The exact reason no one in their right mind wants a sales or income tax in NH. Just control spending instead.
I love hearing these arguments. The state spending is what it is. The problem in NH, is not that the state spending is out of control, anymore then anyother state. The problem is that unlike other states, NH has limited where it can take money from. So while other states raise money through sales tax and Income Tax, thus keeping property taxes in check. NH has decided to do a majority of it funding through Property Tax and assesing use fees... yes registering your boat is nothing more then a use fee.

Now because of this things like boat registrations are going to go up so that the MP can be funded. I am not surprised by this and no else should be either. The only thing I want to know is that the Money I put towards my boat does indeed go towards the MP, state access to public bodies of water etc. And doesn't end up in the general fund, with out strings attached. As long as the Money is going where it should I have not problem with the cost of registraring my boat going up.

People run scared of Income and Sales tax, because they don't take the time to understand how it would change the burden. Now I am not saying the property tax is ever going to go back down it will not. However if NH doesn't want to see property tax increases any more, of use fees continue to rise. Then the people of NH, better dam well start learning more, and educating themselve so that they understand the financial burdens of the state aren't going anywhere... However they can help shift the burden from a few select area's to others.

I have often said, a simple 1 % sales tax in NH would lead to an enourmous income for the state. And if it was implimented with controls, would solve most of the states budgetary short falls.
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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