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Old 11-20-2009, 02:08 PM   #8
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Default studding

In a nutshell. Studding is an extremely easy and beneficial job. As many have elaborated on the benefit and I'm sure you have done your research, I won't talk about the benefits.
I've studded quite a few tracks and I can get them done under two hours easily.
1. Elevate the rear end of the sled
2. Take your belt off so the track spins freely
3. Make your own or just ask me for a template (you want a good one so make sure you get proper traction depending on the amount of studs used)
4. Buy the drill bit and start drilling all the holes necessary in the track using the template.
5. The hard part, push the studs through the track and tighten as appropriate.

I've found the easiest way to tighten studs is with a compressor and an impact wrench. It saves hours!

Lastly, if you need it done at a relatively cheap cost. I'm available and would be happy to do it in my garage for a small fee (I generally accept payment in the form of cases of beer ). Hope that helps!
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