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Old 11-15-2009, 09:08 PM   #79
Rattlesnake Guy
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Scuba Jay
Thank you for the details. Always interesting to understand the behind the scene workings. I remember a town meeting years ago in our town where we are fortunate enough to have a volunteer force. The chief went through the numbers with the town meeting crowd. The same residents had just argued down the last spending article.

The chief outlined the trade offs of the technology and cost on a new truck we needed. He was questioned on the impact of technology on the need for volunteer head count. Once the attendees understood that spending a bit more would mean that fewer brave men could do more during the early minutes of a response, Someone made a motion to increase the amount to allow the chief to get more truck than he was asking for to maximize the impact of our volunteer force. The motion passed with a vote in the 90 percent range.

Thank you for what you do.
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