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Old 10-18-2009, 02:21 PM   #3
Rattlesnake Gal
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Talking Ghosts in the Lakes Region - BOO!

From Shadowlands Haunted Places
Tuc’ Me Inn, Wolfeboro - Voices and footsteps heard at night. Doors closing and the piano in the main lobby playing by itself. (It is not a player piano.)
From Real Ghosts of Haunted New Hampshire:
Tuc' Me Inn, Wolfeboro - Haunted by a man, probably someone who lived there before it was the attractive B&B that it is now. A child has also been heard there. Sounds like a delightful place to stay, and listen to the ghosts.
From Shadowlands Haunted Places
Alton Town Hall - People have reported that they have heard heavy footsteps waling around, furniture moving on it's own, also reported hearing doors open and hearing voices when they are there alone.
From Haunted Places in NH
Alton Town Hall - Heavy footsteps walking around, furniture moving on its own, doors open mysteriously, and voices heard when no one is in the building.
From Shadowlands Haunted Places
Kimball's Castle in Gilford - Witnesses report a strong feeling of a presence and seeing a ghost in the kitchen of the carriage house, happening quite often. The caretaker reports he would leave the heavy mahogany door open for light and all of a sudden the door was shut. The door was very heavy, not even wind could move it. He also said that the light in Mrs. Kimball's sewing room would mysteriously go on and while later it would go off.
From Haunted Places in NH
Kimball's Castle in Gilford - Reports of doors locking and unlocking by themselves, things disappearing, books being pulled off shelves, and plants being knocked over

Quote taken from Ghost Place about Kimball's Castle:

As the breezes flow in and out of this drafty castle the stories of otherworldly inhabitants are whispered. I have heard that the grave of their prized thoroughbred horse (who is buried on the grounds) is haunted and that strange apparitions have been seen in that area, yet when approached they seem to disappear. People have stated that they have felt a presence in and around the house and believed that someone was watching them, and many cold spots have been discovered throughout the castle. I have also heard that a former caretaker reported that large heavy doors would open an close at will most unexpectedly. Also strange lights have been seen in the former sewing room of Mrs. Kimball. The kitchen is said to be a very active area for whatever presence that still inhabits the castle with sightings of a silent, mysterious woman wandering about. Perhaps if there are ghosts they are most unhappy about the many years of vandalism that took their toll during the 60's and 70's when the castle was stripped by vandals who have took every piece of rare tapestries, hand crafted furniture, and exquisite paintings from the castle. The gates were ripped off their supports and even a fireplace mantel from one of the bedrooms was taken. Also, the oak banisters on the balcony were stolen and all of the four dragon gargoyles on the castle's parapets were taken. Certainly enough to make any spirit, alive or dead upset.
From Haunted Places in NH
Temperance Tavern in Gilmanton - Reports of doors locking and unlocking by themselves, things disappearing, books being pulled off shelves, and plants being knocked over.

From Haunted Places in NH
Colonial Theater in Laconia - Footsteps heard and lights go on and off, and doors open and close when no one's around. Visitors get a strange feeling that they should leave as soon as possible. A figure of a man has been seen.
From Shadowlands Haunted Places
Colonial Theater in Laconia - People that worked there have told many tales of hearing people running around the building and hearing voices coming from all over the building. It is from around the turn of the 20th century.
From Haunted Places in NH
Nutmeg Inn in Meredith - Owners' daughter reported that she had a feeling she was not welcome in room number 4. Presence felt while playing musical instruments. Photos that have been taken at the inn showed ghostly shapes in them.
From Shadowlands Haunted Places

Nothin' Fancy Mexican bar and grill at Weirs Beach - A woman's voice heard in the kitchen and dining area, doors mysteriously unlock and open. Figure seen in 2nd floor hallway near back porch door.
From Shadowlands Haunted Places
Winnipesaukee Marketplace at Weirs Beach - The Winnipesaukee Marketplace dates back to the 1880's where it used to be the Lakeside Inn. Employee's and tourists who have stayed in there as well as locals have said they have felt cold spots, intense energy fields, it feels as though your not alone. On a good night especially on a full moon, you can see a hanged man in the middle window on the top floor. Assumed suicide or was it? Also there is a woman who is the former owner of the place, she only appears and talks to certain people. I have seen both woman and man and the man is very distinguished in features. I only have seen his face briefly. Dark cold eyes as if mad at the world. He is the one who does most of the ghostly activies such as throwing light cover utensils, objects get misplaced, and the lights have been seen on in building when no one has been near it.
From NH Haunted Houses and Other Haunted Places in New Hampshire:
Steele Hill Resort in Sanbornton - The rumor: The older main building is haunted by a man who is seen walking the halls whistling and has been seen opening doors and windows. We have been to Steele Hill Resort many times, in the same old building, slept there on 4 occasions, used the pool and the restaurant numerous times, but have not seen or heard anything.
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