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Old 09-29-2009, 07:44 PM   #26
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I have to agree about the windmills being a very cool site. While enroute to Colorado last fall for a hunting trip (we drove via 1986 Ford RV) we were traveling through Kansas somewhere between midnight and 3:00 am, anyway I was driving along when we noticed off in the distance a single red light (constantly on), as we got closer it was like a light switch and the entire horizon lit up with red lights evenly spaced as far as you could see both left and right, after two seconds or so they went out. About 20 or so minutes later we were finally close enough to realize that they were windmills along a ridge. What amazed us is that the lights on these did not stay on constantly as I would think that would not be very fun coming up on that with an aircraft. That was my first experience with seeing these windmills up close, we later so more in the daylight on the way back in Wyoming.

I attached a photo that I took while driving of blades being transported over the road while in Iowa as they had a recall on the blades due to a failure.

I was really cool to see one up close, and as you can see with the full size SUV is added for scale.
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