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Old 09-25-2009, 05:28 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post

I think your a bit off here.... perhaps you need to look up the definition?? I will do it for you...

Main Entry: trau·ma·tize
Pronunciation: \-ˌtīz\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): trau·ma·tized; trau·ma·tiz·ing
Date: 1903
: to inflict a trauma upon

Main Entry: trau·ma
Pronunciation: \ˈtrau̇-mə, ˈtrȯ-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural traumas also trau·ma·ta \-mə-tə\
Etymology: Greek traumat-, trauma wound, alteration of trōma; akin to Greek titrōskein to wound, tetrainein to pierce — more at throw
Date: circa 1693
1 a : an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent b : a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury c : an emotional upset
2 : an agent, force, or mechanism that causes trauma

Of course a tree falling in the forest makes noise so what? What is your point? Nobody was there to witness/hear the tree fall. Nobody will be TRAUMATIZED by this event.... I suppose you walk in the forest just waiting for a tree to fall on you?

On the same note, blasting across the Broads at 65MPH TRAUMATIZES nobody! How can a boat minding its own business inflict any kind of trauma (with exception to the driver/passengers) regardless of what speed it travels? Especially if there isnt anyone around to witness the event!

If I were to apply your logic, you are probably too TRAUMATIZED to operate any sort of motor vehicle on the public roads even though there are speed limits and traffic rules (just as there are on the lake). I mean if 65 is too fast for a boat how do you ever drive on a highway?? Where (GASP) people routinely drive faster than the posted speeds and accidents occur?

This was an obviously poor attempt at sarcastic humor and was certainly not intended to insult OnlyWinni... I would feel awful if I traumatized him. It was an attempt to be sarcastic towards the logic often used by the speed limit supporters.....

Sorry if I offended in any way!

The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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