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Old 08-25-2009, 08:18 AM   #35
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Oh, dear, I feel I have to respond to some of the comments going around in this.

First, since when is being liberal or conservative a crime? I grew up in Massachusetts and live in the god-forsaken state of NJ. I consider myself neither conservative nor liberal and hope I fall somewhere in the middle, agreeing with some conservative policies and with liberal ones. I don't care if people are conservative or liberal as long as what you do is fair as possible to everyone else.

Two, painting swastikas on another's property is a crime, period. Hate crimes are neither conservative nor liberal - just hateful and wrong. It is vandalism. It is indeed a hate crime whether that was the intent or not. It is the appearance that should matter even if the motive is lacking. Of course, the law requires a hateful motive. Being liberal or conservative shouldn't make a difference. If someone does something illegal that is meant to denegrate someone based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, then it should carry enhanced penalties to discourage the behavior. Tolerance is what we are looking for. If we don't have it here at home, how can we expect in those in other countries who hate all of us simply because we are Americans?

Three, as for boys being boys, well, that should have gone out long ago. Here in Jersey about 18 years ago, a dozen boys from a very respectable town sexually assaulted a learning disabled girl of their own age on a pool table in the basement of one of the kids homes simply because they could and she desperately wanted to fit in. Their parents claimed it was just boys being boys, but it was still statutory rape (being learning disabled made it so). They all spent time in jail as I recall because they were NOT just boys being boys. They were criminals committing a crime. It was mostly stupidity and opportunism, but neither is an excuse.

I have two boys. If they spray painted anything on another's property or damaged another's property, I would let the police haul them away and make sure they got what was coming to them. They sure the heck wouldn't do it again.

That's just one humble opinion from someone who is liberal on some issues and very conservative on others. Please, don't paint everyone with a broad brush of conservatism or liberalism based upon the state in which they live. We are each made up of many things and I think most of us, thankfully, are a bit of each. That is why Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors.


Last edited by nj2nh; 08-25-2009 at 08:25 AM. Reason: Typos.
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